Hi Everyone, Have you ever wondered why this whole bluff we use daily is called the internet. well it is simple it is bunch of threads woven together which at many special Locus join together in ways we often look upon. Yes, we all know about google search engine. As a matter of fact Google is now a household name and many people who do not even know how to turn on a computer tend to know any thing about Google, Facebook or the Twitter. But what actually is internet and how deep you can dig into it. How Hackers do it. That is the real question we are gonna answer today in Following Video by Geek Blog TV. Hope You like it Keep coming back for more... also visit us on facebook.com/atechbit funhifun.blogspot.com" Disclaimer: Photos & Video not authors search #atechbit on google.com
Adeel's Tech World (Technology and Beyond) is a website containing News, Previews and Reviews of Gadgets, Smart devices, Computers, Smartphones and world of Internet and gaming