Hi, As you have clicked on this post, chances are you have encountered this GDPR term in one of the social media websites like facebook, twitter and gmail etc. You may remembered then when you first joined face book or gmail or any other online social media plate form you gave them some sort of identification markers. Which according to the website were for your own safety and security. But as over a decade of reports have compiled that all your data was just on the edge of breaching your own privacy. As it happened over couple of years, now owner of Facebook, whats app and instagram Mr. Mark Zuckerberg had to face the congress delegation for a law suite against him for breaching and sharing public private data to agencies world wide like the CIA and FBI and MI etc. Enough of the back ground here is a short video that will hope fully hel you understand GDPR... hope it was helpfull... please dont forget to like us on facebook.com/atechbit we dont take any credit for video o...
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