Tuesday Newsday: Official Name of Android 6.0, Google Project Ara Delayed, Samsung in realm of Global Internet, Wikipedia Under authenticity issue and much more
Hi Every One,
The last week proved to be one of the most busiest weeks in tech news. This was not due to the release of any new software or smartphone but instead it was busy as many rumored thing came to reality and many projects that went quite good over last years, now went under knives to be tweaked.
So with out any further delay let's roll the news:
1: Android 6.0 Marshmallow:
Last year during the hype of the release of Android 5.0 many Indian origin people took part in a campaign which intended Google to name Android L an Android Ladoo (Name of a famous Sub Continent Sweet) but Google decided on calling it Lollipop. Same is the case this year as Android M was being speculated to be called Android Milk Shake, But it is now official that it would be called Android Marshmallow.
2: Google Project Ara:
Many tech junkies were having dreams of a modular smartphone called Google Ara (speculation). It was happily intended to be released this year along with the Nexus and Android M (now Marshmallow). But as of now Google has decided to delay the release of this Project Ara Smartphone as it needs more technical checkups. Along with technical checkups Google also has to make sure that this becomes the true next big thing in Smartphone industry as right now smartphones and their smart software are at a stage of no true change but minor. So keep your fingers crossed till 2016.
3: Samsung On Global Internet:
Facebook is already providing free internet (some websites) to the developing countries, which had increased Facebook's own value as well as internet users around the globe. Google is also in line to launch the Google Fi project which will have global free wifi type internet. Now, Samsung has also seen its future as a free internet provider around the globe. Details pending about the project but as we can see big rigs are already digging it.
4: Wikipedia Issues:
The world's largest online resource of information is under knives from many agencies specially mass media. This is mainly due to its free to edit by anyone type of information providence. The company intends that this helps to create authentic information from the victims or natives. But in turn this is becoming the reason of the whole problem as more and more editors based on different schools of thoughts (nationalists, socialites, historians and many more) are changing various articles as they need it to be this is resulting in not authentic but false and famous type of information on Wikipedia
5: Our upcoming's:
Soon we will be providing more reviews of smartphones and other technologies. We are currently building our business relations with some companies that will help us to review products much easily and live. We are also uploading new videos on our Video Channel. about technology and fun stuff.
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