Education is the first thing parents think of after naming a newborn child. It is in fact one of the most valuable asset one can have and now there are more then many ways to take this asset.
Well first thing is first don't take modern education as just the degree awarding system anymore for a fixed type of job. It's not just reading the book and passing your SAT any more. Now it's about skills and mindset which you carry with it. In short if you are enthusiastic to learn something new right now you can go with the free of cost ways you tube and vine. Yes we said that there are 100s of channels on YouTube which are specifically for teaching particular skills be it making a space ship or polishing your shoe.
Now several universities are making courses, certificates and even degrees online. We are not talking about axact fake degrees but about world's top 100 QS ranked universities having online degree programs. Online portals like edX, Coursera and Udemy are making it even easier for new learners to learn a specific skill and then get certified online from highest reputed institution.
It's about 8 Billion dollars which are right now privately invested for such portals and there are 100000+ websites and 10s of 1000s for accreditation organizations which give legitimate degrees and jobs.
The take is up-to you what you want, when you want and how you want.
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