Hi fans,
We have been living on earth since the human begining, yet since that time we look upto the sky for hope and desire to reach far far away. Just like that even with Plenthora of smartphone manufacturers available its just Samsung that really builds up the hype and some what lives upto it.
Quantum technology even to the recent times is considered as somthing which only god level Scientists can understand. But right now Samsung Mobiles is readying itself for the big leap of quantum technology in smartphone.
Quantum technology even to the recent times is considered as somthing which only god level Scientists can understand. But right now Samsung Mobiles is readying itself for the big leap of quantum technology in smartphones.
The date set for the launch is 22 May. Forbes wrote about it like this, "Although it’s a Galaxy A71 5G at heart, the rebranded and updated smartphone comes complete with one important security extra: a QRNG chip developed by ID Quantique".
Now what a QRNG CHIP is, quote,"Quantis QRNG IDQ250C2 is the first Quantum Random Number Generator designed and manufactured specifically for mobile handsets, IoT and edge devices.
Mobile applications today require the collection and transmission to handsets of more and more sensitive data including financial, health, business and personal information. IoT and edge devices are now connecting home, hospitals, factories, infrastructure, schools and shopping locations, rising the need for security to the edge.
With its low profile, compact size and low power consumption, IDQ250C2 is ideal for securing the collection and transfer of sensitive data at the edge."
Let's see of public will love it or hate it.
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